Name Organization Part Of Harvester
BirdLife International : Cook Islands cookislands-data cookislands.pacificdata SPREP
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) datasets cookislands-data cookislands.pacificdata SPREP
OpenStreetMap Data Cook Islands cookislands-data cookislands.pacificdata SPREP
Rarotonga - 20 Year Average Return Period cookislands-data cookislands.pacificdata SPREP
Video instructions for the Cook Islands data portal cookislands-data cookislands.pacificdata SPREP
BirdLife International : FSM fsm-data fsm.pacificdata SPREP
Chuuk State Clean Environment Act of 2018 fsm-data fsm.pacificdata SPREP
Chuuk Women's Council website fsm-data fsm.pacificdata SPREP
Climate Change Awareness Campaign fsm-data fsm.pacificdata SPREP
Digital Atlas of Micronesia fsm-data fsm.pacificdata SPREP
FSM National Climate Change Data Portal fsm-data fsm.pacificdata SPREP
FSM R2R fsm-data fsm.pacificdata SPREP
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) datasets fsm-data fsm.pacificdata SPREP
Kosrae State- Solid Waste Management Strategy 2018 – 2027 fsm-data fsm.pacificdata SPREP
legendary Tale of Sounpwuk clan, Pohnpei fsm-data fsm.pacificdata SPREP
Micronesia Cleanup Day fsm-data fsm.pacificdata SPREP
OpenStreetMap Data Micronesia fsm-data fsm.pacificdata SPREP
Proposal on Clam Farming and Reseeding Project in Kosrae fsm-data fsm.pacificdata SPREP
Sponge bioerosion on changing reefs: ocean warming poses physiological constraints to the success of a photosymbiotic excavating sponge iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Upwelling modulation of functional traits of a dominant planktonic grazer during “warm-acid” El Niño 2015 in a year-round upwelling area of Humboldt Current iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Tropical CO2 seeps reveal the impact of ocean acidification on coral reef invertebrate recruitment iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Net loss of CaCO3 from a subtropical calcifying community due to seawater acidification: mesocosm-scale experimental evidence iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Ocean acidification causes bleaching and productivity loss in coral reef builders iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Benthic buffers and boosters of ocean acidification on coral reefs iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Impacts of groundwater discharge at Myora Springs (North Stradbroke Island, Australia) on the phenolic metabolism of eelgrass, Zostera muelleri, and grazing by the juvenile rabbitfish, Siganus fuscescens iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Use of a Free Ocean CO2 Enrichment (FOCE) system to evaluate the effects of ocean acidification on the foraging behavior of a deep-sea urchin iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Changes in pteropod distributions and shell dissolution across a frontal system in the California Current System iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Exposure history determines pteropod vulnerability to ocean acidification along the US West Coast iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Behavior of brooded coral larvae in response to elevated pCO2 iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Acidification alters the composition of ammonia‑oxidizing microbial assemblages in marine mesocosms iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Ocean acidification and pathogen exposure modulate the immune response of the edible mussel Mytilus chilensis iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Influence of post-Tehuano oceanographic processes in the dynamics of the CO system in the Gulf of Tehuantepec, Mexico iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Deep oceans may acidify faster than anticipated due to global warming iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Carbon and nitrogen accumulation in the economic seaweed Gracilaria lemaneiformis affected by ocean acidification and increasing temperature iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Impaired learning of predators and lower prey survival under elevated CO2: a consequence of neurotransmitter interference iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Maximum thermal limits of coral reef damselfishes are size dependent and resilient to near-future ocean acidification iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Indicators of climate change and social vulnerability in fishing dependent communities along the Eastern and Gulf Coasts of the United States iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Water flow modulates the response of coral reef communities to ocean acidification iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Metabolic responses of the North Pacific krill, Euphausia pacifica, to short- and long-term pCO2 exposure iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Effects of elevated pCO2 on the survival, growth, and moulting of the Pacific krill species, Euphausia pacifica iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Diffusion boundary layers ameliorate the negative effects of ocean acidification on the temperate coralline macroalga Arthrocardia corymbosa iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Elevated seawater CO2 concentrations impair larval development and reduce larval survival in endangered northern abalone (Haliotis kamtschatkana) iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Ocean acidification affects prey detection by a predatory reef fish iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Conservative and non-conservative variations of total alkalinity on the Southeastern Bering Sea Shelf iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Permeable coral reef sediment dissolution driven by elevated CO2 and porewater advection iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Carbon cycling hysteresis in permeable carbonate sands over a diel cycle: implications for ocean acidification iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Relationships between temperature, pH, and crusting on Mg/Ca ratios in laboratory-grown Neogloboquadrina foraminifera iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Reconstructing aragonite saturation state based on an empirical relationship for Northern California iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Habitat preferences of coral-associated fishes are altered by short-term exposure to elevated CO2 iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Greenhouse conditions induce mineralogical changes and dolomite accumulation in coralline algae on tropical reefs iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Coral records of reef-water pH across the central Great Barrier Reef, Australia: assessing the influence of river runoff on inshore reefs iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
The effect of pH on natural settlement and metamorphosis in the invasive limpet, Crepidula fornicata iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
High CO2 reduces the settlement of a spawning coral on three common species of crustose coralline algae iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Intraspecific variability in the response of the edible mussel Mytilus chilensis (hupe) to ocean acidification iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Bioeconomic analysis of the impact of ocean acidification associated with low recruitment of Isostichopus badionotus and implications for adaptive fishery management in the north of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Size-dependent physiological responses of the branching coral Pocillopora verrucosa to elevated temperature and pCO2 iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Shift from coral to macroalgae dominance on a volcanically acidified reef iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Effects of pCO2 on spatial competition between the corals Montipora aequituberculata and Porites lutea iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Ecological effects of ocean acidification and habitat complexity on reef-associated macroinvertebrate communities iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Disrupting the effects of synergies between stressors: improved water quality dampens the effects of future CO2 on a marine habitat iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Future herbivory: the indirect effects of enriched CO2 may rival its direct effects iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Mineralogy of deep-sea coral aragonites as a function of aragonite saturation state iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
The combined effects of ocean acidification, mixing, and respiration on pH and carbonate saturation in an urbanized estuary iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Putting prey and predator into the CO2 equation – qualitative and quantitative effects of ocean acidification on predator–prey interactions iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Contrasting impact of future CO2 emission scenarios on the extent of CaCO3 mineral undersaturation in the Humboldt Current System iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Uranium in larval shells as a barometer of molluscan ocean acidification exposure iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Ocean acidification has lethal and sub-lethal effects on larval development of yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
An ocean acidification acclimatised green tide alga is robust to changes of seawater carbon chemistry but vulnerable to light stress iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Ocean acidification stress index for shellfish (OASIS): Linking Pacific oyster larval survival and exposure to variable carbonate chemistry regimes iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Anthropogenic carbon distribution in the eastern South Pacific Ocean iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Effects of fishing and acidification-related benthic mortality on the southeast Australian marine ecosystem iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Impacts of ocean acidification on multiplication and caste organisation of parasitic trematodes in their gastropod host iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Effects of ocean acidification caused by rising CO2 on the early development of three mollusks iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Early development of undulated surf clam, Paphia undulate under elevated pCO2 iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Species-specific responses of juvenile rockfish to elevated pCO2: from behavior to genomics iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Will coral islands maintain their growth over the next century? A deterministic model of sediment availability at Lady Elliot Island, Great Barrier Reef iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Dissolution: the Achilles' heel of the triton shell in an acidifying ocean iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Ocean acidification in the California Current System iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Physiological response to elevated temperature and pCO2 varies across four Pacific coral species: Understanding the unique host+symbiont response iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Projected changes to growth and mortality of Hawaiian corals over the next 100 years iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Coral calcifying fluid pH dictates response to ocean acidification iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Emiliania huxleyi shows identical responses to elevated pCO2 in TA and DIC manipulations iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Effect of pH and temperature on antioxidant responses of the thick shell mussel Mytilus coruscus iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Variability in larval gut pH regulation defines sensitivity to ocean acidification in six species of the Ambulacraria superphylum iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Effect of seawater temperature, pH, and nutrients on the distribution and character of low abundance shallow water benthic foraminifera in the Galápagos iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Metabolically-induced pH fluctuations by some coastal calcifiers exceed projected 22nd century ocean acidification: a mechanism for differential susceptibility? iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Resiliency of juvenile walleye pollock to projected levels of ocean acidification iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Elevated CO2 does not exacerbate nutritional stress in larvae of a Pacific flatfish iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Differential responses of growth and photosynthesis in the marine diatom Chaetoceros muelleri to CO2 and light availability iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Elevated pCO2 alters marine heterotrophic bacterial community composition and metabolic potential in response to a pulse of phytoplankton organic matter iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Ocean acidification increases the accumulation of toxic phenolic compounds across trophic levels iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Contrasting effects of ocean acidification on tropical fleshy and calcareous algae iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Complex and interactive effects of ocean acidification and temperature on epilithic and endolithic coral-reef turf algal assemblages iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Near-future ocean acidification enhances the feeding rate and development of the herbivorous juveniles of the crown-of-thorns starfish, Acanthaster planci iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Narratives can motivate environmental action: the Whiskey Creek ocean acidification story iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Synergistic effects of elevated carbon dioxide and sodium hypochlorite on survival and impairment of three phytoplankton species iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
CO2-driven decrease in pH disrupts olfactory behaviour and increases individual variation in deep-sea hermit crabs iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Phytoplankton do not produce carbon-rich organic matter in high CO2 oceans iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Symbiodinium mitigate the combined effects of hypoxia and acidification on a non-calcifying cnidarian iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
A year in the life of a central California kelp forest: physical and biological insights into biogeochemical variability iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Expected limits on the ocean acidification buffering potential of a temperate seagrass meadow iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Variable responses of temperate calcified and fleshy macroalgae to elevated CO2 and warming iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Risks of hypoxia and acidification in the high energy coastal environment near Victoria, Canada's untreated municipal sewage outfalls iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Effects of increased seawater pCO2 on early development of the oyster Crassostrea gigas iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Responses of neurogenesis and neuroplasticity related genes to elevated CO2 levels in the brain of three teleost species iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) sediment dissolution under elevated concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrate (NO3−) iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Ocean acidification and kelp development: Reduced pH has no negative effects on meiospore germination and gametophyte development of Macrocystis pyrifera and Undaria pinnatifida iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Taiwan iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Marine projections of warming and ocean acidification in the Australasian region iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Boosted nutritional quality of food by CO2 enrichment fails to offset energy demand of herbivores under ocean warming, causing energy depletion and mortality iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Detrimental effects of reduced seawater pH on the early development of the Pacific abalone iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Morphology and classification of hemocytes in Pinctada fucata and their responses to ocean acidification and warming iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Impact of seawater carbonate variables on post-larval bivalve calcification iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Photoperiod mediates the effects of elevated CO2 on the growth and physiological performance in the green tide alga Ulva prolifera iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
The detrimental effects of CO2-driven chronic acidification on juvenile Pacific abalone (Haliotis discus hannai) iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Decomposing monthly declines in subsurface-water pH and aragonite saturation state from spring to autumn in the North Yellow Sea iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Interactive network configuration maintains bacterioplankton community structure under elevated CO2 in a eutrophic coastal mesocosm experiment iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
CO2-driven seawater acidification increases photochemical stress in a green alga iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Effects of ocean acidification on the metabolic rates of three species of bivalve from southern coast of China iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Coral calcification from skeletal records revisited iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Assessment of ocean acidification and warming on the growth, calcification, and biophotonics of a California grass shrimp iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Deducing acidification rates based on short-term time series iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Perception and response of the U.S. West Coast shellfish industry to ocean acidification: the voice of the canaries in the coal mine iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Technical Note: Maximising accuracy and minimising cost of a potentiometrically regulated ocean acidification simulation system iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Galápagos coral reef persistence after ENSO warming across an acidification gradient iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Toxic dinoflagellate blooms of in Chilean fjords: a resilient winner from climate change iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
The role of ocean acidification in systemic carbonate mineral suppression in the Bering Sea iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
The influence of Pacific Equatorial Water on fish diversity in the southern California Current System iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Respiratory response of the intertidal seastar Parvulastra exigua to contemporary and near-future pulses of warming and hypercapnia iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Seasonal patterns in aragonite saturation state on the southern California continental shelf iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Impact of ocean acidification on phytoplankton assemblage, growth, and DMS production following Fe-dust additions in the NE Pacific high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll waters iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Whole transcriptome analysis of the coral Acropora millepora reveals complex responses to CO2-driven acidification during the initiation of calcification iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Interacting effects of elevated temperature and ocean acidification on the aerobic performance of coral reef fishes iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Elevated CO2 affects the behavior of an ecologically and economically important coral reef fish iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
A simple colorimetric method for determining seawater alkalinity using bromophenol blue iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Early benthic juvenile Parvulastra exigua (Asteroidea) are tolerant to extreme acidification and warming in its intertidal habitat iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Abiotic and biotic interactions in the diffusive boundary layer of kelp blades create a potential refuge from ocean acidification iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Interactive effects of elevated temperature and CO2 on foraging behavior of juvenile coral reef fish iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Predicted impact of ocean acidification on a marine invertebrate: elevated CO2 alters response to thermal stress in sea urchin larvae iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Mussel byssus attachment weakened by ocean acidification iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
An aposymbiotic primary coral polyp counteracts acidification by active pH regulation iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Effects of climate change on Canada's Pacific marine ecosystems: a summary of scientific knowledge iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Acidification at the surface in the East Sea: a coupled climate-carbon cycle model study iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Persistence of positive carryover effects in the oyster, Saccostrea glomerata, following transgenerational exposure to ocean acidification iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Impacts of near future sea surface pH and temperature conditions on fertilisation and embryonic development in Centrostephanus rodgersii from northern New Zealand and northern New South Wales, Australia iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Preindustrial to modern interdecadal variability in coral reef pH iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Coral reefs and people in a high-CO2 world: where can science make a difference to people? iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Influence of climate and land use in carbon biogeochemistry in lower reaches of rivers in central southern Chile: Implications for the carbonate system in river-influenced rocky shore environments: Riverine contributions to coastal areas iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Exploring the “Sharkcano”: biogeochemical observations of the Kavachi submarine volcano (Solomon Islands) iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Ocean acidification and global warming impair shark hunting behaviour and growth iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Saturating light and not increased carbon dioxide under ocean acidification drives photosynthesis and growth in (Chlorophyta) iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Global dissolution effects on planktonic foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios controlled by the calcite-saturation state of bottom waters iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Changes in water quality following opening and closure of a bar-built estuary (Pescadero, California) iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Responses of the metabolism of the larvae of Pocillopora damicornis to ocean acidification and warming iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Complex environmental forcing across the biogeographical range of coral populations iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Host and symbionts in Pocillopora damicornis larvae display different transcriptomic responses to ocean acidification and warming iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Expression of calcification and metabolism-related genes in response to elevated pCO2 and temperature in the reef-building coral Acropora millepora iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Synergistic effects of climate-related variables suggest future physiological impairment in a top oceanic predator iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
The sounds of silence: regime shifts impoverish marine soundscapes iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Ocean acidification increases the vulnerability of native oysters to predation by invasive snails iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Habitat compression and expansion of sea urchins in response to changing climate conditions on the California continental shelf and slope (1994–2013) iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Perceptions of climate change and adaptation responses in a local community: the Barwon Estuary Complex, Victoria iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Spatial patterns of Anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) eggs and larvae in relation to pCO2 in the Peruvian upwelling system iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Ocean acidification hampers sperm-egg collisions, gamete fusion, and generation of Ca 2+ oscillations of a broadcast spawning bivalve, Tegillarca granosa iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Nutrient pollution disrupts key ecosystem functions on coral reefs iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Warmer more acidic conditions cause decreased productivity and calcification in subtropical coral reef sediment-dwelling calcifiers iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Bryozoans as southern sentinels of ocean acidification: a major role for a minor phylum iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Growing up in the temperate zone: age, growth, calcification and carbonate mineralogy of Melicerita chathamensis (Bryozoa) in southern New Zealand iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Not all sponges will thrive in a high-CO2 ocean: review of the mineralogy of calcifying sponges iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Effect of seawater carbonate concentration on foraminiferal carbon and oxygen isotopes iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Functional traits for carbon access in macrophytes iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Ocean acidification affects the cytoskeleton, lysozymes, and nitric oxide of hemocytes: a possible explanation for the hampered phagocytosis in blood clams, Tegillarca granosa iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Combined effects of short-term exposure to elevated CO2 and decreased O2 on the physiology and energy budget of the thick shell mussel Mytilus coruscus iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Response of subtropical coastal sediment systems of Okinawa, Japan, to experimental warming and high pCO2 iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Seawater acidification induced immune function changes of haemocytes in Mytilus edulis: a comparative study of CO2 and HCl enrichment iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Quantifying rates of evolutionary adaptation in response to ocean acidification iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Long-term exposure to elevated carbon dioxide does not alter activity levels of a coral reef fish in response to predator chemical cues iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Using present-day observations to detect when anthropogenic change forces surface ocean carbonate chemistry outside preindustrial bounds iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Short- and long-term conditioning of a temperate marine diatom community to acidification and warming iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Interactive effects of temperature, CO2 and nitrogen source on a coastal California diatom assemblage iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Using expert judgment to estimate marine ecosystem vulnerability in the California Current iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Effects of ocean acidification on sperm motility in the red abalone, Haliotis rufescens iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
A “core-top” screen for trace element proxies of environmental conditions and growth rates in the calcite skeletons of bamboo corals (Isididae) iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Comprehensive research of the coastal water area of the Sea of Japan and Sea of Okhotsk under the Influence of river runoff (Cruise 71 of the R/V Professor Gagarinskii) iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Climatic modulation of recent trends in ocean acidification in the California Current System iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Modeling deep ocean shipping noise in varying acidity conditions iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
CO2-driven ocean acidification reduces larval feeding efficiency and change food selectivity in the mollusk Concholepas concholepas iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Influence of glacier melting and river discharges on the nutrient distribution and DIC recycling in the Southern Chilean Patagonia iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
The influence of abrupt increases in seawater pCO2 on plankton productivity in the subtropical North Pacific Ocean iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Internal pH regulation facilitates in situ long-term acclimation of massive corals to end-of-century carbon dioxide conditions. iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
An in-situ sensor technology for simultaneous spectrophotometric measurements of seawater total dissolved inorganic carbon and pH iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Isolation of high-level-CO2-preferring Picochlorum sp. strains and their biotechnological potential iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Decadal variability in seawater pH in the West Pacific: Evidence from coral $δ$ B-11 records iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Ocean warming and acidification have complex interactive effects on the dynamics of a marine fungal disease iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Effects of ocean acidification and global warming on reef bioerosion—lessons from a clionaid sponge iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Dynamic patterns and ecological impacts of declining ocean pH in a high-resolution multi-year dataset iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Effects of CO2 and seawater acidification on the early stages of Saccharina japonica development iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Aragonite saturation state and dynamic mechanism in the southern Yellow Sea, China iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Aragonite saturation state variation and control in the river-dominated marginal BoHai and Yellow seas of China during summer iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Potential future coral habitats around Japan depend strongly on anthropogenic CO2 emissions iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
CO32- concentration and pCO2 thresholds for calcification and dissolution on the Molokai reef flat, Hawaii iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Mapping of recent brachiopod microstructure: A tool for environmental studies iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Impacts of elevated CO2 on organic carbon dynamics in nutrient depleted Okhotsk Sea surface waters iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Laboratory simulation reveals significant impacts of ocean acidification on microbial community composition and host-pathogen interactions between the blood clam and Vibrio harveyi iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Effect of marine acidification on calcification and respiration of Chlamys farreri iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Diurnal and seasonal variations of carbonate system parameters on Luhuitou fringing reef, Sanya Bay, Hainan Island, South China Sea iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Origin and dynamics of dissolved organic matter in a mariculture area suffering from summertime hypoxia and acidification iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Insights from sodium into the impacts of elevated pCO2 and temperature on bivalve shell formation iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
An ocean acidification-simulated system and its application in coral physiological studies iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Different calcification responses of two hermatypic corals to CO2-driven ocean acidification iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on growth, photosynthesis and nitrogen metabolism in the economic brown seaweed, Hizikia fusiforme (Sargassaceae, Phaeophyta) iaea pdh.pacificdatahub MENDELEY
An economic assessment of destructive fishing methods in Kiribati kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
An island for gardens, an island for birds and voyaging: A settlement pattern for Kiritimati and Tabuaeran kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
Assessing the capacity of Kiribati to implement the UNCBD, (UNCCD and the UNFCC kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
Basel convention country fact sheet kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
Baselines and Degradation of Coral Reefs in the Northern Line Islands kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
Beach ecosystem based adaptation trials, North Tarawa kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
Benthic ecology and biota of Tarawa atoll lagoon kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
Biofuel Feasibility Study, Kiritimati Island kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
BirdLife International : Kiribati kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
Cat eradication for the recovery of Sea birds kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
Country data dossier for protected areas - summary sheet kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
EIA report for the ESAT dredging project kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
Eradication of mynas from Kiribati kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
Fish Base Online Database : Kiribati kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
Flora of Kiritimati Island kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
Framework Approach to Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) datasets kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
Guideline for Monitoring Birds and Invasive Species at Kiritimati Island kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
Inform Data Portal Manuals kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
International Waters Programme : Analysis of Legislation kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
IUCN Redlist Category kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
Joint Implementation Plan for Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management, 2014 - 2023 kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
KIRIBATI 20-YEAR VISION 2016-2036 kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
Kiribati - National Adaptation Program of Action (NAPA) kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
Kiribati National Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (KIVA) Database kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
Kiribati Vision 20 years kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
OpenStreetMap Data Kiribati kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
Pilot fragility assessment of an informal urban settlement in Kiribati kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
Plants of Christmas Island kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
Protected Area - Kiribati kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
Reef Fishes Have Higher Parasite Richness at Unfished Palmyra Atoll Compared to Fished Kiritimati Island kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
Remediation of Kiritimati Island and the Challenges of Hazardous Waste Disposal kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
Report on invasive plant species on the Islands of Tarawa, Abemama, Butaritari and Maiana kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
Sea Life Base Online Database : Kiribati kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
Tarawa green bag scheme kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
The lagoon at Caroline/millennium atoll kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
The soils of Kiritimati (Christmas) Island - new information and comparison with previous studies kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
Vehicle Recycling on South Tarawa kiribati-data kiribati.pacificdata SPREP
Bathymetry Nauru nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
BIORAP Priority Areas Nauru nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
BIORAP Survey Site_Buada nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
BIORAP Survey Site_Ijuw anabar nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
BIORAP Survey Site_Meneng Coast nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Buildings_Nauru nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Coastal Inundation with SLR Report nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Coastline_Nauru nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Coconut Vegetation Nauru nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Directory of Wetlands of Nauru - 2016 nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Districts_Nauru nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
EEZ_Nauru nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Fishing Vessel Density_Nauru nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Fish Survey Sites_Nauru nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) datasets nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Grassland Vegetation_Nauru nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Guidelines for the design of conjunctive water supply systems in Nauru nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Hydrogeological Investigations and Groundwater Modeling of Nauru Island Article nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Hydrogeology and groundwater resources of Nauru Island, Central Pacific Ocean nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Important Conservation Sites - Nauru nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Inform Data Portal Manuals nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Inform Environment Data Portal Manuals nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Landmarks_Nauru nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Locally Managed Marine Area_Nauru nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Mining_Nauru nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
National Intergrated Environment Policy nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
National Sustainable Development Strategy 2005 – 2025 nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
National Water Sanitation and Hygiene Policy nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Nauru 20 year Water and Sanitation Master Plan nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Nauru Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan Approved nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Nauru's Fifth National Report to the CBD nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Nauru Solid Waste Management Strategy 2011 - 2020 nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Nauru Waste and Dumpsite Management Report nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Observer Pollution Events_10years in Nauru nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Open Land_Nauru nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
OpenStreetMap Data Nauru nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Procfish fin fish sample sites nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Proportion of Population with Access to Improved Drinking Water and Sanitation nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Reef Outline_Nauru nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Republic of Nauru Framework for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Sand Bay_Nauru nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Seamounts_Nauru nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Secondary Forest_Nauru nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Settlement_Nauru nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Traditional and Cultural Heritage Sites_Nauru nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Two and three-dimensional simulation of seawater intrusion: performances of the "SUTRA" and "HST3D" models nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Vegetation Type A - 1994 nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
Water_Nauru nauru-data nauru.pacificdata SPREP
From Participation to Power: Journeys through Women’s Economic Empowerment - The Game! pacific-women-lead pdh.sdd.NADA
Why Women’s Coalitions Are Important for Achieving Gender Equality: Sharon Bhagwan-Rolls pacific-women-lead pdh.sdd.NADA
2019 Palau SOE updated palau-data palau.pacificdata SPREP
Drinking Water Quality in the Pacific Island Countries palau-data palau.pacificdata SPREP
East Babeldaob MPAs palau-data palau.pacificdata SPREP
Environmental Health Action Plan palau-data palau.pacificdata SPREP
Factsheets on Palau's Forests palau-data palau.pacificdata SPREP
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) datasets palau-data palau.pacificdata SPREP
Inform Data Portal Manuals palau-data palau.pacificdata SPREP
Medium-Term Development Strategy 2009-2014 palau-data palau.pacificdata SPREP
Micronesia Challenge - Republic of Palau palau-data palau.pacificdata SPREP
National Climate Change Portal - Palau palau-data palau.pacificdata SPREP
National Solid Waste Strategy 2017-2026 palau-data palau.pacificdata SPREP
National Youth Policy 2005 palau-data palau.pacificdata SPREP
OpenStreetMap Data Palau palau-data palau.pacificdata SPREP
Palau Compact Road palau-data palau.pacificdata SPREP
Palau Energy Policy palau-data palau.pacificdata SPREP
Palau Mangrove Management Plan 2000 palau-data palau.pacificdata SPREP
Palau National Aquaculture Strategy 2009 (Draft) palau-data palau.pacificdata SPREP
Palau National Energy Policy palau-data palau.pacificdata SPREP
Palau NISSAP palau-data palau.pacificdata SPREP
Palau Protected Areas palau-data palau.pacificdata SPREP
Palau's Energy palau-data palau.pacificdata SPREP
Rainfall data Palau palau-data palau.pacificdata SPREP
Reef Fish Recovery palau-data palau.pacificdata SPREP
Regional Biosecurity Plan Volume I palau-data palau.pacificdata SPREP
Rural and urban population 1990 - 2017 palau-data palau.pacificdata SPREP
Status of Palau's Vegetation palau-data palau.pacificdata SPREP
Sustainable Forest Management Policy palau-data palau.pacificdata SPREP
Water Quality Regulations palau-data palau.pacificdata SPREP
WDPA Protected areas palau-data palau.pacificdata SPREP
Action Plan png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
Biosafety png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
CEPA Dataset png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
Climate Risk and Adaptation Country Profile-Papua New Guinea png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
Coral reefs png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
Corals png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
Data Champions Training png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
Environment Domains - Reclassified png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
Environment Permit Additional Information Schedule 2 png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) datasets png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
Infrastructure expansion challenges sustainable development in Papua New Guinea png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
Locally Marine Managed Areas png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
Mangroves png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
Marine plan of Action png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
Medium Term Development Plan III (2018-2022) Volume 2 png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
National Fisheries Authority (NFA) Papua New Guinea png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
New Britain Island png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
New Guinea Binatang Research Center Portal png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
Oil palm and deforestation png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
Oil palm and small holder farmers png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
OpenStreetMap Data Papua New Guinea png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
Papua New Guinea E-agriculture Strategy (2017-2023) png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
Papua New Guinea Forest Industries Association (Inc) png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
PNG Biosafety png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
PNG LNG Project png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
PNG Plants png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
PNG REDD+ and Forest Monitoring Web-Portal png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
Status and Trends of Coral Reefs of the Pacific png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
Tuna png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
Video instructions for the PNG data portal png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
Wafi Golpu Joint Venture, Copper-Gold Mining Project; Environment Impact Statement (WGJV EIS) png-data png.pacificdata SPREP
Archaeological Survey and Inventory of Submerged Cultural Resources in the Lagoon of Majuro Atoll rmi-data rmi.pacificdata SPREP
BirdLife International : RMI rmi-data rmi.pacificdata SPREP
Coastal Water Quality Monitoring Data (Nov 2014) rmi-data rmi.pacificdata SPREP
Data on ODS consumption in RMI rmi-data rmi.pacificdata SPREP
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) datasets rmi-data rmi.pacificdata SPREP
Majuro Atoll Waste Company Solid Waste Management Plan for Majuro 2019 – 2028 rmi-data rmi.pacificdata SPREP
National Nuclear Commission Act of 2017 rmi-data rmi.pacificdata SPREP
NDMO Strategic Plan rmi-data rmi.pacificdata SPREP
OpenStreetMap Data Marshall Islands rmi-data rmi.pacificdata SPREP
Project List-Infrastructure Development rmi-data rmi.pacificdata SPREP
Radiological Conditions on Bikini Atoll rmi-data rmi.pacificdata SPREP
RAMSAR Advisory Mission (Wetland Conservation) rmi-data rmi.pacificdata SPREP
Renewable and Energy Efficient Appliances rmi-data rmi.pacificdata SPREP
RMI Fifth National Report to UNCBD 2017 rmi-data rmi.pacificdata SPREP
RMI Marine Turtle Legislation Review 2010 rmi-data rmi.pacificdata SPREP
RMI National Strategic Plan rmi-data rmi.pacificdata SPREP
RMI National Water and Sanitation Policy & Action Plan, 2014 rmi-data rmi.pacificdata SPREP
RMI R2R GEF GIS data- roads rmi-data rmi.pacificdata SPREP
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) datasets samoa-data samoa.pacificdata SPREP
Marine Debris Demonstration Project samoa-data samoa.pacificdata SPREP
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment - Publications samoa-data samoa.pacificdata SPREP
OpenStreetMap Data Samoa samoa-data samoa.pacificdata SPREP
PCRIFI Samoa Datasets samoa-data samoa.pacificdata SPREP
Samoa Battler Resource Base samoa-data samoa.pacificdata SPREP
Samoa Protected Area samoa-data samoa.pacificdata SPREP
Agriculture statistics at a glance solomonislands-data solomonislands.pacificdata SPREP
BirdLife International : Solomon Islands solomonislands-data solomonislands.pacificdata SPREP
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) datasets solomonislands-data solomonislands.pacificdata SPREP
OpenStreetMap Data Solomon Islands solomonislands-data solomonislands.pacificdata SPREP
Species Control and Management solomonislands-data solomonislands.pacificdata SPREP
Workshop on Waste Management conducted in Tulagi, Central Province solomonislands-data solomonislands.pacificdata SPREP
PILNA 2021 Cook Islands Report spc pdh.pacificdatahub
PILNA 2021 Federated States of Micronesia Report spc pdh.pacificdatahub
PILNA 2021 Fiji Report spc pdh.pacificdatahub
PILNA 2021 Kiribati Report spc pdh.pacificdatahub
PILNA 2021 Nauru Report spc pdh.pacificdatahub
PILNA 2021 Niue Report spc pdh.pacificdatahub
PILNA 2021 Palau Report spc pdh.pacificdatahub
PILNA 2021 Papua New Guinea Report spc pdh.pacificdatahub
PILNA 2021 Regional Report spc pdh.pacificdatahub
PILNA 2021 Republic of Marshall Islands Report spc pdh.pacificdatahub
PILNA 2021 Samoa Report spc pdh.pacificdatahub
PILNA 2021 Small Island States Report spc pdh.pacificdatahub
PILNA 2021 Solomon Islands Report spc pdh.pacificdatahub
PILNA 2021 Tokelau Report spc pdh.pacificdatahub
PILNA 2021 Tonga Report spc pdh.pacificdatahub
PILNA 2021 Tuvalu Report spc pdh.pacificdatahub
PILNA 2021 Vanuatu Report spc pdh.pacificdatahub
Population biology and vulnerability to fishing of deep-water Eteline snappers spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Vertical behavior and diet of albacore tuna (<i>Thunnus alalunga</i>) vary with latitude in the South Pacific Ocean spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
The trophodynamics of marine top predators: Current knowledge, recent advances and challenges spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Enhancing cooperative responses by regional fisheries management organisations to climate-driven redistribution of tropical Pacific tuna stocks spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Assumptions influencing the estimation of natural mortality in a tag-integrated statistical model for western and central Pacific Ocean skipjack spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Trends in tuna carbon isotopes suggest global changes in pelagic phytoplankton communities spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Effects of ocean warming on pelagic tunas, a review spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Investigating trends in process error as a diagnostic for integrated fisheries stock assessments spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Organ health and development in larval kingfish are unaffected by ocean acidification and warming spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Analyzing pelagic food webs leading to top predators in the Pacific Ocean: A graph-theoretic approach spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Modelling of tuna around fish aggregating devices: The importance of ocean flow and prey. spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Ecosystem approach to monitoring pelagic fisheries in the western and central Pacific Ocean spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Global patterns and inferences of tuna movements and trophodynamics from stable isotope analysis spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Post-release survival of shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) and silky (Carcharhinus falciformis) sharks released from pelagic tuna longlines in the Pacific Ocean spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Parameter estimation performance of a recapture-conditioned integrated tagging catch-at-age analysis model spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Exploring the future of the Coral Sea micronekton spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Testing the Adaptive Potential of Yellowtail Kingfish to Ocean Warming and Acidification spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Regional connectivity and spatial densities of drifting fish aggregating devices, simulated from fishing events in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Impacts of Climate Change on Marine Resources in the Pacific Island Region spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
International workshop on opportunities for ecosystem approaches to fisheries management in the Pacific Ocean tuna fisheries spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Evidence that Pacific tuna mercury levels are driven by marine methylmercury production and anthropogenic inputs spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Interactions between artisanal and industrial tuna fisheries: Insights from a decade of tagging experiments spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Seasonal and spatial variability in the vertical distribution of pelagic forage fauna in the Southwest Pacific spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Estimating post-release mortality of long-line caught tropical tunas in the Pacific Ocean spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
No Population Structure of Bigeye Tunas (Thunnus obesus) in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean Indicated by Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
A global meta-analysis of marine predator nitrogen stable isotopes: Relationships between trophic structure and environmental conditions spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Setting the stage for a global-scale trophic analysis of marine top predators : a multi-workshop review spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Elevated CO2 affects anxiety but not a range of other behaviours in juvenile yellowtail kingfish spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Optimising fisheries management in relation to tuna catches in the western central Pacific Ocean: A review of research priorities and opportunities spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Area-based management of blue water fisheries: Current knowledge and research needs spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Age validation of yellowfin and bigeye tuna using post-peak bomb radiocarbon dating confirms long lifespans in the western and central Pacific Ocean spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Distribution of anguillid leptocephali and possible spawning areas in the South Pacific Ocean spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Stable Tuna Mercury Concentrations since 1971 Illustrate Marine Inertia and the Need for Strong Emission Reductions under the Minamata Convention spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Spatiotemporal variability in bigeye vertical distribution in the Pacific Ocean spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Sample contamination explains evidence of close kin proximity in yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Oceanic, Latitudinal, and Sex-Specific Variation in Demography of a Tropical Deepwater Snapper across the Indo-Pacific Region spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Assessing the drift of fish aggregating devices in the tropical Pacific Ocean. spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
An assessment of the aquaculture potential of indigenous freshwater food fish of Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Samoa and Tonga as alternatives to farming of tilapia spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
A new species of <i>Polyipnus</i> (Stomiiformes: Sternoptychidae) from the Western South Pacific spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Movements, dispersion, and mixing of bigeye tuna (<i>Thunnus obesus</i>) tagged and released in the equatorial Central Pacific Ocean, with conventional and archival tags spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Impacts of fisheries-dependent spatial sampling patterns on catch-per-unit-effort standardization: A simulation study and fishery application spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
No ‘silver bullet’: multiple factors control population dynamics of European purple sea urchins in Lough Hyne marine reserve, Ireland. Est. Coast. spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Puffalis cruise, RV Alis spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Preparing for climate related impacts: Knowledge assessment of the life history of key exploited fish species managed in a climate hotspot spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Just a FAD? Ecosystem impacts of tuna purse-seine fishing associated with fish aggregating devices in the western Pacific Warm Pool Province spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Evaluating DNA cross-contamination risk using different tissue sampling procedures on board fishing and research vessels. spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Indications of strong adaptive population genetic structure in albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) in the southwest and central Pacific Ocean spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Seasonal oceanography from physics to micronekton in the south-west Pacific spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Environmental versus operational drivers of drifting FAD beaching in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Interaction between Coastal and Oceanic Ecosystems of the Western and Central Pacific Ocean through Predator-Prey Relationship Studies spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Pathways to sustaining tuna-dependent Pacific Island economies during climate change spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Integrating tagging and fisheries data into a spatial population dynamics model to improve its predictive skills spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Does trophic level drive organic and metallic contamination in coral reef organisms? spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Recommendations towards the establishment of best practice standards for handling and intracoelomic implantation of data-storage and telemetry tags in tropical tunas. spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Flying to the moon: Lunar cycle influences trip duration and nocturnal foraging behavior of the wedge-tailed shearwater <i>Ardenna pacifica</i> spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Climate and oceanic fisheries: recent observations and projections and future needs spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Seamounts are hotspots of pelagic biodiversity in the open ocean spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Length-weight relationships of 4 coral-reef fish species encountered in Gilbert Islands coastal artisanal fisheries spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
An ocean observation system for monitoring the affects of climate change on the ecology and sustainability of pelagic fisheries in the Pacific Ocean spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
The effect of ocean acidification on otolith morphology in larvae of a tropical, epipelagic fish species, yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Impacts of climate change on oceanic fisheries relevant to the Pacific Islands spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
A critique of the ecosystem impacts of drifting and anchored FADs use by purse-seine tuna fisheries in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Low occurrence rates of ubiquitously present leptocephalus larvae in the stomach contents of predatory fish spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
DNA identification of gut contents of large pelagic fishes spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
The Coral Sea: Physical Environment, Ecosystem Status and Biodiversity Assets spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Movements and habitat use of juvenile silky sharks in the Pacific Ocean inform conservation strategies spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Importance of tropical tuna for seabird foraging over a marine productivity gradient spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Biodegradable drifting fish aggregating devices: Current status and future prospects spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Ocean Futures for the World’s Largest Yellowfin Tuna Population Under the Combined Effects of Ocean Warming and Acidification spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Micronekton distribution in the southwest Pacific (New Caledonia) inferred from shipboard-ADCP backscatter data spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Regime shifts and recruitment in Western and Central Pacific Ocean spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
epower: An r package for power analysis of Before-After-Control-Impact (BACI) designs spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Comparative analysis of day and night micronekton abundance estimates in west Pacific between acoustic and trawl surveys spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Bioenergetics, Trophic Ecology, and Niche Separation of Tunas spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
The Pacific Islands: Fisheries, Aquaculture and climate change spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Estimating trends and magnitudes of bycatch in the tuna fisheries of the Western and Central Pacific Ocean spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Limited conservation efficacy of large-scale marine protected areas for Pacific skipjack and bigeye tunas. spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Temperature patterns and mechanisms influencing coral bleaching during the 2016 El Niño spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Global trophic ecology of yellowfin, bigeye, and albacore tunas: Understanding predation on micronekton communities at ocean-basin scales spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Marine mammal strandings recorded in New Caledonia, South West Pacific Ocean, 1877 to 2022 spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Times are changing, but has natural mortality? Estimation of mortality rates for tropical tunas in the western and central Pacific Ocean spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
A review of estimation methods for natural mortality and their performance in the context of fishery stock assessment spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Tuna Longline Fishing around West and Central Pacific Seamounts spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
AMPLE: An R package for capacity building on fisheries harvest strategies spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
A review of adaptation options in fisheries management to support resilience and transition under socio-ecological change spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Enhanced seamount location database for the western and central Pacific Ocean: Screening and cross-checking of 20 existing datasets spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Towards non-entangling and biodegradable drifting fish aggregating devices – Baselines and transition in the world’s largest tuna purse seine fishery. spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Comparison of daily- and annual- increment counts in otoliths of bigeye (<i>Thunnus obesus</i>), yellowfin (<i>T. albacares</i>), southern bluefin (<i>T. maccoyii</i>) and albacore (<i>T. alalunga</i>) tuna spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Unlocking legal and policy frameworks for small-scale fisheries in Tonga spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Overview of tuna fisheries, stock status and management framework in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Mercury concentrations in tuna blood and muscle mirror seawater methylmercury in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
A Model of Mercury Distribution in Tuna from the Western and Central Pacific Ocean: Influence of Physiology, Ecology and Environmental Factors spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Quantitative modelling of the spatial dynamics of South Pacific and Atlantic albacore tuna populations spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Can Stomach Content and Microbiomes of Tuna Provide Near Real-Time Detection of Ecosystem Composition in the Pacific Ocean? spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
A Response to Scientific and Societal Needs for Marine Biological Observations spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Early life history of tropical freshwater eels (Anguilla spp.) recruiting to Viti Levu, Fiji Islands, in the western South Pacific spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Trade-offs for the southern longline fishery in achieving a candidate South Pacific albacore target reference point spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
At-sea movements of wedge-tailed shearwaters during and outside the breeding season from four colonies in New Caledonia spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Lessons learned from implementing three, large-scale tuna tagging programmes in the western and central Pacific Ocean spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Nitrogen isotopic baselines and implications for estimating foraging habitat and trophic position of yellowfin tuna in the Indian and Pacific Oceans spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Socio-economic drivers and indicators for artisanal coastal fisheries in Pacific island countries and territories and their use for fisheries management strategies spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Revisiting the vulnerability of juvenile bigeye (<i>Thunnus obesus</i>) and yellowfin <i>(T. albacares</i>) tuna caught by purse-seine fisheries while associating with surface waters and floating objects spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Diversifying the use of tuna to improve food security and public health in Pacific Island countries and territories spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Analyse stratégique de l'espace maritime de la Nouvelle-Calédonie - vers une gestion intégrée spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Strengthening the role of blue foods in coastal Pacific food systems spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
World Seas: An Environmental Evaluation - 2nd Edition - Volume II: The Indian Ocean to the Pacific: New Caledonia spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
A coupled stable isotope-size spectrum approach to understanding pelagic food-web dynamics: A case study from the southwest sub-tropical Pacific spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
A rare oasis effect for forage fauna in oceanic eddies at the global scale spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Growth rate of farmed Mangrove oysters (Magallana bilineata) at Laucala Bay, Suva, Fiji spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
A rare Macristium-stage Bathysaurus mollis (Aulopiformes, Bathysauridae) from the South Pacific spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Close kin proximity in yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) as a driver of population genetic structure in the tropical western and central Pacific Ocean spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
‘Drivin' with your eyes closed’: Results from an international, blinded simulation experiment to evaluate spatial stock assessments spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Advancing Marine Biological Observations and Data Requirements of the Complementary Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs) and Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) Frameworks spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Large floating abandoned, lost or discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) is frequent marine pollution in the Hawaiian Islands and Palmyra Atoll spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Trophic position increases with thermocline depth in yellowfin and bigeye tuna across the Western and Central Pacific Ocean spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Ecological connectivity between the areas beyond national jurisdiction and coastal waters: Safeguarding interests of coastal communities in developing countries spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Fisherwomen’s Indigenous and local knowledge - the hidden gems for the management of marine and freshwater resources in Fiji spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Benefits, concerns, and solutions of fishing for tunas with drifting fish aggregation devices. spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Spatial and temporal variability of zooplankton off New Caledonia (Southwestern Pacific) from acoustics and net measurements spc-fame pdh.fameDL.FAME DL_FAME_Collection
Climatic Study For Tonga Comparison Of Different Wind And Wave Data spc-gem pdh.PRDR
Cook Islands Outer Islands Renewable Energy Project. Power Sector Report Update: Rakahanga, Manihiki and Pukapuka spc-gem pdh.PRDR
Cook Islands Wind Resource Monitoring spc-gem pdh.PRDR
Energy Resources Inventory of the Fiji Islands spc-gem pdh.PRDR
Federated States of Micronesia Solar Data spc-gem pdh.PRDR
Federated States of Micronesia Wind Data spc-gem pdh.PRDR
Fiji Wind Resource Monitoring Data spc-gem pdh.PRDR
Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform and the Just Transition: Integrating approaches for complementary outcomes spc-gem pdh.PRDR
Geothermal Potential of Selected Pacific Nations spc-gem pdh.PRDR
Marshall Islands Wind Resource Mapping spc-gem pdh.PRDR
National Greenhouse Gas Abatement Strategy 2008-2018 spc-gem pdh.PRDR
Nauru, 2015, Household Electrical Appliances, Lights and End-use Survey Datasets spc-gem pdh.PRDR
Niue Wind Resource Monitoring spc-gem pdh.PRDR
Development of severe and extreme scenarios of wave and water level through statistical analysis and numerical modelling Bonriki, Tarawa, Kiribati: Bonriki inundation vulnerability assessment (BIVA) spc-gem pdh.fameDL.GEM DL_GEM
Palau Wind Resource Monitoring spc-gem pdh.PRDR
Petroleum Industry Pricing Review FINAL REPORT spc-gem pdh.PRDR
PIREP PREA 2004 - Technical Support Programme for renewable energy development spc-gem pdh.PRDR
Public-Private Partnership Monitor spc-gem pdh.PRDR
Reports for the project to "Update the FAESP energy security indicators: 2009-2015" spc-gem pdh.PRDR
Samoa Government explains electricity tariff plan spc-gem pdh.PRDR
Samoa Wind Monitoring Station - Operations, Maintenance and Commissioning Report spc-gem pdh.PRDR
Samoa Wind Resource Monitoring Data spc-gem pdh.PRDR
SolarCity and Tesla: Ta'u Microgrid - American Samoa spc-gem pdh.PRDR
Solomon Islands Wind Resource Monitoring spc-gem pdh.PRDR
South Pacific Wind and Solar Monitoring Project spc-gem pdh.PRDR
Tonga Wind Resource Monitoring spc-gem pdh.PRDR
Tuvalu, 2012 -2016, Power Utility Generation spc-gem pdh.PRDR
Tuvalu Wind Resource Monitoring spc-gem pdh.PRDR
Vanuatu Wind Resource Monitoring spc-gem pdh.PRDR
Waste to Energy Resource Assessment in Fiji spc-gem pdh.PRDR
Website Links for Palau spc-gem pdh.PRDR
Website Links for the Republic of the Marshall Islands spc-gem pdh.PRDR
A plateful of colours!: to stay healthy, eat your colours spc-phd pdh.fameDL.PHD DL_PHD
De la couleur dans nos assiettes!: pour être bonne santé, mangeons coloré spc-phd pdh.fameDL.PHD DL_PHD
Fiji Employment and Unemployment Survey 2004-2005 spc-sdd pdh.microdata PDH_NADA
Pacific Nutrient Database User Guide: a tool to facilitate the analysis of poverty, nutrition and food security in the Pacific region spc-sdd pdh.fameDL.SDD DL_SDD
Analytical Report on the 2006 Kiribati HIES spc-sdd pdh.fameDL.SDD DL_SDD
Tonga 2006 census of population and housing: volume 2: analytical report spc-sdd pdh.fameDL.SDD DL_SDD
CRVS BAG The Brisbane Accord Group spc-sdd pdh.fameDL.SDD DL_SDD
Cook Island 2005-06 Household Expenditure Survey spc-sdd pdh.microdata PDH_NADA
Fiji Population and Housing Census 1881 spc-sdd pdh.microdata PDH_NADA
Fiji Population and Housing Census 1911 spc-sdd pdh.microdata PDH_NADA
Fiji Population and Housing Census 1921 spc-sdd pdh.microdata PDH_NADA
Fiji Population and Housing Census 1936 spc-sdd pdh.microdata PDH_NADA
Fiji Household Income and Expenditure Survey 1943 spc-sdd pdh.microdata PDH_NADA
Fiji Household Income and Expenditure Survey 1944 spc-sdd pdh.microdata PDH_NADA
Fiji Population and Housing Census 1946 spc-sdd pdh.microdata PDH_NADA
Fiji Household Income and Expenditure Survey 1959 spc-sdd pdh.microdata PDH_NADA
Fiji Household Income and Expenditure Survey 1965 spc-sdd pdh.microdata PDH_NADA
Fiji Agriculture Census 1968 spc-sdd pdh.microdata PDH_NADA
Fiji Household Income and Expenditure Survey 1968 spc-sdd pdh.microdata PDH_NADA
Fiji Household Income and Expenditure Survey 1972 spc-sdd pdh.microdata PDH_NADA
Fiji Agriculture Census 1978 spc-sdd pdh.microdata PDH_NADA
Fiji Household Income and Expenditure Survey 1983 spc-sdd pdh.microdata PDH_NADA
Fiji Household Income and Expenditure Survey 1990-1991 spc-sdd pdh.microdata PDH_NADA
Fiji Second Generation Surveillance survey 2004-2005 spc-sdd pdh.microdata PDH_NADA
Micronesia Population and Housing Census 2010 spc-sdd pdh.microdata PDH_NADA
Marshall Isld. Water Project Survey 2009 spc-sdd pdh.microdata PDH_NADA
New Caledonia Population and Housing Census 2019 spc-sdd pdh.microdata PDH_NADA
Vanuatu Rural Shefa Province Education Experience Survey and Literacy Assessment 2011 spc-sdd pdh.microdata PDH_NADA
Samoa Population and Housing Census 1986 spc-sdd pdh.microdata PDH_NADA
Vanuatu Recognised Seasonal Employer Program Impact Evaluation 2007-2010 spc-sdd pdh.microdata PDH_NADA
Vanuatu HDM-4 Analysis of the Efate Ring Road and the Santo East Coast Road 2008-2010 spc-sdd pdh.microdata PDH_NADA
BirdLife International Online Portal sprep regional.pacificdata SPREP
MGCP Topographic Dataset sprep regional.pacificdata SPREP
OpenStreetMap Data American Samoa sprep americansamoa.pacificdata SPREP
PIPAP Resource 2 sprep americansamoa.pacificdata SPREP
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) datasets tonga-data tonga.pacificdata SPREP
National Climate Change Portal : Tonga tonga-data tonga.pacificdata SPREP
OpenStreetMap Data Tonga tonga-data tonga.pacificdata SPREP
Tongan socio-environmental spatial layers for marine ecosystem management tonga-data tonga.pacificdata SPREP
Tonga State of Environment summary tonga-data tonga.pacificdata SPREP
BirdLife : Tuvalu Bird Species data tuvalu-data tuvalu.pacificdata SPREP
Fish Base Online Database : Tuvalu tuvalu-data tuvalu.pacificdata SPREP
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) datasets tuvalu-data tuvalu.pacificdata SPREP
OpenStreetMap Data Tuvalu tuvalu-data tuvalu.pacificdata SPREP
Sea Life Base Online Database : Tuvalu tuvalu-data tuvalu.pacificdata SPREP
Tuvalu at the United Nations tuvalu-data tuvalu.pacificdata SPREP
Tuvalu Environmental Issues on Story Maps tuvalu-data tuvalu.pacificdata SPREP
Tuvalu Related Publications on PEIN tuvalu-data tuvalu.pacificdata SPREP
YouTube Video on the importance of the Inform project tuvalu-data tuvalu.pacificdata SPREP
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) datasets vanuatu-data vanuatu.pacificdata SPREP
International Ozone Day Celebration in Port Vila, 2018 vanuatu-data vanuatu.pacificdata SPREP
National Climate Change Portal : Vanuatu vanuatu-data vanuatu.pacificdata SPREP
OpenStreetMap Data Vanuatu vanuatu-data vanuatu.pacificdata SPREP
Vanuatu on BirdLife Data Portal vanuatu-data vanuatu.pacificdata SPREP